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June 20, 2017 2 min read

O3Vets.com is a young and innovative company with the goal of helping alternative and integrative veterinarians understand and use oxidative therapies in their daily practices. One way to accomplish this is to begin a dialogue about these therapies, the science behind them, the practitioners that use them, and the outcomes that will serve to educate and enlighten veterinarians and pet owners alike.

That said…Welcome to the O3Vets blog!

It is our hope that this blog will be a venue for diverse information sharing, from answering equipment-related questions to interviews with integrative practitioners to news and upcoming events. While we will do our best to keep it fresh and informative, we also welcome your ideas, interests and suggestions at info@o3vets.com.

But wait, there’s more!

In addition to this blog, we are also providing an online forum where practitioners can network, converse and give and get answers to their medical questions. We want you to feel free to make this forum your peer-to-peer place to go for intelligent, insightful and lively discussions about oxidative therapies and how they improve quality of care. Periodically, we will also contribute to the forum as needed or requested.

Another service we are working on is a newsletter, which will provide the means for further developing some of the issues and topics that come up in the blog and the forum, and others that require more space to address properly. Again, we are always open to your ideas and suggestions so do not hesitate to drop us a line at info@O3vets.com and let us know what’s on your mind.

And last but not least, we also would like to invite veterinarians that use ozone in their practices to take advantage of the O3Vets Practitioners map, which is on our web site o3vets.com and available to the public, worldwide. Simply go to O3Vets.com, click on the “Practitioners” tab and fill out the brief form. That’s all it takes and as soon as possible we will “put your practice on the map.”

Thank you for stopping by. We look forward to learning, sharing and growing with you!

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