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World Federation of Ozone Therapy

The World Federation of Ozone Therapy (WFOT) is an international non-profit making association founded on April 9th of 2005 in New Delhi, India. Its purpose is to promote the use of ozone -polyatomic oxygen – in all possible medical aspects.

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International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy

ISCO3 was created to promote the safe and effective use of ozone therapy throughout the world. It is comprised of twenty-one members who have helped to develop guides, provide research, standardize training and regularize ozone therapy around the world.

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Zotero Ozone Therapy Studies Library

ISCO3 has developed and maintained a digital Ozone therapy library of all worldwide published papers on ozone therapy. 

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Journal of Ozone Therapy

Journal of Ozone Therapy (JO3T) is a peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal documenting the current state of basic biology, diagnosis and treatment of Ozone Therapy.

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Ozone Therapy Global Journal

This is the official journal of AEPROMO that is issued in Madrid, Spain. It was previously identified as“Revista Española de Ozonoterapia”. 

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