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February 17, 2020 5 min read

There are over 14 different ways to administer ozone therapy. Why is rectal insufflation at the top of the list? In this article, we will answer that question and give you some practical information for performing this treatment.
As ozone therapy gains popularity in the veterinarian world and in pet owners’ homes, you may have heard the words “rectal insufflation,” but you have no idea what those words mean other than something involving an animal’s rear end.
This, in and of itself, makes you cringe and ask yourself, “How can people possibly administer ozone through a rectum? Who does that?”
Though it sounds invasive, a little strange and lots of uncomfortable, you should know that administering ozone via rectal insufflation is the most common and best all-around ozone therapy administration method.
This article is to inform you that:

  • Ozone therapy administered via rectal insufflation is not as disgusting as it may sound.
  • Rectal insufflation is not as complicated as it may seem.
  • Rectal insufflation doesn’t involve emptying your bank account to purchase equipment.
  • And, rectal insufflation does not take up much time at all to administer.
You’re going to want to stick around and keep reading to learn more about this amazing ozone therapy administration method.

Rectal Insufflation Is:

Rectal insufflation is infusion of ozone gas into the colon via a rectal catheter.

Rectal Insufflation Is Considered One Of The Best All-Around Ozone Therapy Administration Methods Because:

It has been practiced for over 70 years!! In the 1930s, European physicals Dr. Erwin Payr and Dr. P. Aubourg, were the first to introduce rectal insufflation as a way to administer ozone to their patients.
Rectal insufflation is safe. In fact, side effects from rectal insufflation are virtually non-existent.
Rectal insufflation is pain free, especially if you use a rectal catheter that is small in circumference and flexible, such as O3Vets’ catheters.
Dr. Erin Holder, FloridaWild Veterinary Hospital, has had great success using these same catheters time and time again to perform ozone therapy via rectal insufflation on animals as small as birds.
Another reason that rectal insufflation is such an ideal ozone administration method is because it is a systemic treatment method.
Right about now, you may be thinking, “I don’t even know what ‘systemic’ means.”
The Meriam Webster Dictionary defines “systemic” as: of, relating to, or common to a system, such as: (a) affecting the body generally.
The bottom line is, because rectal insufflation is a systemic treatment method, it is commonly the ozone therapy administration method of choice to treat a whole slew of conditions, including inflammation, Immunomodulation, seizures, Lymphoma, chronic fatigue, systemic/internal bacterial and viral infections, auto-immune diseases, immune deficiencies and disorders, Lyme Disease, arterial circulatory conditions and so many other diseases and illnesses.
Additionally, rectal insufflation is used as a complementary treatment to other cancer therapies. Among many others, two well-known veterinarians, Dr. Margo Roman, Main Street Animal Hospital of Hoptinkin, and Dr. Marlene Siegel, Pasco Veterinary Animal Center, use rectal insufflation ozone therapy continuously on cancer patients.
This IVC Journal article entitled “Ozone Therapy for Cancer in Veterinary Medicine”, written by Dr. Pema Choepel Mallu, explains how rectal insufflation benefits animals with prostatic and bladder cancers.
This study, which was conducted on humans with prostate cancer, showed that administration of rectal ozone therapy greatly reduced the amount of rectal bleeding that patients experienced as result of radiation treatments.
Rectal insufflation is not only used for systemic conditions either. Veterinarians and pet owners alike can administer ozone therapy rectally for conditions like Ulcerous Colitis, Proctitis and anal fistulae or fissures.
Another great benefit of ozone being delivered via rectal insufflation is that it can be used as a preventative treatment to maintain an animal’s overall health. The IVC Journal published another article entitled “Ozone Therapy: a way to build and maintain health” that goes into detail about ozone’s ability to do just that.
Rectal insufflation can be administered in no time at all. Trust me, if I can administer ozone therapy rectally to my 112-lb Mastiff while he’s not looking in under a minute and a half, you can do the same with client animals and beloved pets.
Rectal insufflation is really easy to administer. In fact, if you are a veterinarian, your Technician can easily administer the treatment to your patients saving you time to meet and treat other clients.
If you are a fur baby mom or dad, you can actually administer rectal ozone therapy quickly and efficiently in the comfort of your own home.
Look--here’s a video of O3Vets’ owner, Jonathan Lowe, and his young daughter administering ozone rectally to their puppy. It’s really that easy and quick.

The Only Equipment Needed To Administer Ozone Therapy Via Rectal Insufflation Is:

The following equipment is all you need to perform rectal insufflation:

  1. Ozone Generator (Refer to this blog to assist you with choosing the generator that would best meet your needs.)
  2. Medical or industrial oxygen tank containing medical-grade oxygen
  3. Oxygen tank regulator
  4. Ozone-resistant tubing
  5. Ozone rectal insufflation bag or ozone syringe(s)
  6. Rectal catheter
  7. Lubricant, such as ozonated olive oil

Administering Ozone Using Rectal Insufflation Is As Easy As 1, 2, 3...

When administering ozone therapy using rectal insufflation, all you have to do is follow these three easy steps:

  1. Draw up ozone into syringe
  2. Insert the catheter 3 inches into the colon and infuse ozone
  3. Withdraw the catheter and hold the animal’s tail between his/her legs for 30 seconds

If you are like a lot of people and find it easier to follow instructions by visually seeing the process performed, this video on administering ozone therapy via rectal insufflation may help.

The Suggested Dosing For Ozone Rectal Insufflation Is:

It is recommended that you start low and slow if you are administering ozone via rectal insufflation. The volume can always be increased if desired.
If you are a pet mom or dad who wants to administer ozone to your fur baby at home using rectal insufflation, the chart below is a suggested regiment. However, if your pet is under the care of a veterinarian, it is VERY important, to follow the guidelines for rectal insufflation that he/she recommends. The veterinarian is the expert and should know exactly what is right for your pet.

Ozone Concentration Volume Ideal Frequency # of Treatments
35 µg/ml 1ml/lb 5x per week 10-20

If you want to adjust or increase how much ozone is being infused into an animal, it is suggested that you increase the volume being administered as opposed to increasing the ozone concentration level.

Listen To What The People Have To Say About Rectal Insufflation:

So much positive feedback has been received about performing ozone therapy using rectal insufflation!! But, don’t solely take my word for it. Rather, listen and see for yourself how this not-so-disgusting ozone therapy administration method has worked for them.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM9AMjZdl9Q[/embedyt]
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJQDC1Xo7RE[/embedyt]
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yStEmfQ9-0U[/embedyt]
Animals are precious gifts from God; and, if ozone therapy and rectal insufflation can be used to get them healthy faster and keep them healthy longer, why wouldn’t we choose to do so?
Now, do you still think administering ozone therapy via rectal insufflation is disgusting? Does it still make you cringe? Do you think rectal insufflation might be worth trying in order to help treat animals? Do you think you want to make the time to try it?
If you answered no, no, yes and yes to these questions, your best bet is to contact O3Vets to get started as soon as possible!!

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