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September 04, 2017 2 min read

For those who have not considered ozone therapy, I would like to introduce you to Clarence's story. Unfortunately, Clarence's story is just too common. Clarence is just like every other happy dog with a loving family. Just as with every family, this story tells the journey of not just the pet, but also the whole family. If you choose to continue reading, you will hear the very common struggle of a family with a sick loved one as well as the hope that a treatment like ozone therapy can bring.

Clarence is an 82 pound Golden-Lab who had his first visit to a veterinary clinic on August 2, 2014 with severe abdominal pain, constipation, and breathing issues.

That sad, stressful, Saturday night, the pet owners rushed Clarence into the facility 45 minutes before closing. The CT scan showed that his gums were dehydrated and a mass in his abdomen preventing him from defecating.

On Sunday, they were advised to take Clarence to a specialist. Though they were uncomfortable with this, they felt as if they did not have many options.

On Monday, they loaded Clarence into the family car and drove to the specialist. When they arrived, they were told that surgery was Clarence's best option. The doctor informed them that if they didn’t, Clarence’s body would deteriorate over the next 24 hours, and afterwards, he would die. 

The owners were not satisfied with this option, and in disparity, went back to the veterinary clinic. After talking with Rachel, their veterinarian, they decided to take a chance and treat Clarence with ozone therapy.

Clarence started ozone therapy on August 4, 2014. Over the next four days, he was given ozone treatments along with antibiotics and other supplements. The ozone was administered in multiple ways including directly into the abdomen, into the rectum, through an IV, and topically in the form of ozonated oils. 

Over the next few days Clarence’s health improved immensely! An ultrasound showed what the doctors thought was impossible, the mass in his stomach had been reduced, and Clarence was able to defecate again.

Sadly, ozone therapy has been widely ignored as an acceptable method of treatment. Ozone is a proven therapy with a long history of safety and efficacy but, few people know of or would even consider ozone therapy. The vast majority of pet owners and veterinarians could benefit so immensely from the use of ozone therapy for their pets and patients.  We would encourage you to read more about the effects and uses for ozone therapy in the veterinary clinic.

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