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The Hummingbird Kit

This is our most popular ozone generator for pet owners who plan to treat their pet at home. It is a reliable, compact generator that delivers results year after year. From...

This is our most popular ozone generator for pet owners who plan to treat their pet at home. It is a reliable, compact generator that delivers results year after year. From rectal insufflation to ozonating fluids, the Hummingbird can do it all. Choose an accessory package and get started with ozone therapy today!



  • Hummingbird Ozone Generator
  • Pediatric Oxygen Regulator (Medical or Industrial)
  • Ozone-Resistant Tubing
  • Hydrophobic Valve
  • 3-Way Stopcock
  • Destruct
  • Instruction Manual
  • Setup and Operation Videos
  • Carry Case
  • I Love Ozone Bandana (small or large)
  • Complementary 30-Minute Zoom Training

Please decide if you will use an industrial or medical oxygen tank and select the proper regulator below. If you need help deciding, you can email us at info@o3vets.com or call 517-925-8148.
Choose a large bandana size for medium to large dogs. All others choose small.

Full lifetime warranty on Hummingbird Generator ONLY.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Deann Ashby

Loving my new hummingbird kit and ozone bubbler. Game changer for sure.

Brendon Toyama
Good Value

This is a great unit. It is easy to use and doesn't take up too much space.

Doris Lockwood
Interesting system

I purchased this system based on the information my vet provided as well as what I was told were its benefits for my cats health.

Patti Clinger
The Hummingbird Kit has everything you need to administer ozone!

Our dog has, what our veterinarian presumes is, a cancerous tumor on his leg. Her aggressive treatment plan includes ozone rectal insufflation. I spoke with Jonathan on the phone, and he answered all of my questions and was very helpful. He directed me to several locations in my area where I could purchase an oxygen tank. When my Hummingbird Kit arrived, it was complete with everything I needed to get started. The online instructional videos were very helpful and enabled me to master ozone administration for Copper. I am thrilled with the Hummingbird!! I am grateful for the ability to do ozone treatments at home on my own schedule. Thank you, Jonathan, for founding o3Vets and for bringing this "alternative" treatment to pet lovers everywhere!!

Lori Lyons
Great ozone machine for the money

The product arrived quickly, provided good instruction, easy to use, nice light weight travel kit.

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