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Organic Ozone Oil Suppositories

Releasing the power of ozone into the body has never been easier. These 2.3ml ozonated olive oil rectal suppositories come in a 15-count bottle and are ready to use. Daily...
Releasing the power of ozone into the body has never been easier. These 2.3ml ozonated olive oil rectal suppositories come in a 15-count bottle and are ready to use. Daily administration of a rectal suppository is a fast, hassle-free way to get ozone into the tissue. Freeze for ease of use.
  • 100% organic
  • Made in the USA
  • Full strength
  • Easy to use
  • 15 count bottle

Olive Oil, Caster Oil, Cocoa Butter, Pure Ozone

Product may be returned within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Alison Rideout
Good quality product

Using for Anal Sac Adenocarcinoma on my black lab. Very aggressive tumor that tripled in size quickly. Following removal, tumor came right back. Started these suppositories while I await ozone equipment to locally treat the tumor. Currently small grape sized. After 1mo of use, I’ve seen zero growth in his tumor. This is amazing results. To make a comparison, the tumor we had removed grew from pea to plum sized in the same amount of time. Glad to see alternative medicine giving great results yet again

Alton Raymond
Very helpful

Great for treating rectal cancer

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