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July 24, 2020 3 min read

Dr. Arthur Guyton wrote the textbook on medical physiology and he had this to say about the importance of oxygen utilization,

“All chronic pain, suffering and diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at the cell level.” 

We now have an easy, fast and effective way to address that. Ozone therapy is a safe, easy treatment that we’re using in a lot of our protocols now because it improves oxygen levels and strengthens the immune system. It has been successfully used as a front line or adjunctive treatment for a range of conditions including infections, autoimmune, circulatory and cancer.


Ozone is a very powerful form of oxygen…it’s actually an energized, unstable form of oxygen. We also know that ozone is a highly reactive gas. It’s a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms that are sharing electrons. Because it’s reactive, it reverts fairly quickly back into oxygen which means that we can’t store it very long…but that reactivity also makes it powerful. In fact, it’s one of the most powerful sterilizers on earth and when used properly, this is a good thing.
Now when we talk about ozone therapy, we’re talking about a therapeutic way to utilize ozone gas. And to do that, we are going to need an ozone generator. So unlike ozone that is created in the atmosphere or in our troposphere here near the earth’s surface, we use an ozone generator designed for medical use along with pure medical-grade oxygen to produce the ozone that we’ll treat our animals with.


Let me give you a functional definition of ozone therapy that will help us understand it.

“Ozone therapy is a medical treatment that uses activated oxygen (ozone) to treat many chronic and acute diseases. It is a biological response modifier that increases oxygen utilization, optimizes mitochondrial function and improves cellular health. It can be applied topically, infused into the blood and tissue through various means or introduced into a fluid or oil which acts as a carrier.”



One of the reasons that ozone therapy is so valuable, is because of its versatility. It can be applied in many ways including:
  • Joint injections for degenerative disease and injuries
  • Ozonated Fluids for infections, rashes and more
  • Topical Creams for infections, rashes and more
  • Major Autohemotherapy (MAHT) for systemic problems including cancer
  • Minor Autohemotherapy (mAHT) for autoimmune conditions
  • Rectal Insufflation for systemic problems including cancer
  • Limb Bagging for topical conditions
  • and more!


It's tempting to write off a treatment that you’ve never heard of but that would be a mistake. Ozone therapy has thousands of research articles and studies that have been done to prove that it works. Besides that, thousands of animals have experienced the benefit of ozone.
If you would like to find out more about this treatment, you can visit this YouTube channel.


 “Bella was diagnosed with hemangioma sarcoma 7 months ago and seems to be doing very well…. as I said ozone has been a miracle for Bella.”  – Kris Ilkov

“Ozone therapy was one of the recommended treatments and so we started using it with Baja and noticed a difference almost right away. I think it’s been a major contributor to having him around a year longer.” – Jeff Sharp

“I think the ozone gives you an opportunity to enhance your pet’s health and prevent bad things from happening….it just keeps giving you hope.”  – Darcy Buller

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