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April 29, 2020 8 min read

“Why doesn’t everyone know about ozone therapy?” asked Kathy as we chatted about how it could help her Jack Russell. “I mean, it seems so simple, yet so incredibly beneficial.”
Kathy’s statements are exactly the sentiments of thousands who happen upon ozone therapy.
Keep reading, and I promise to teach you the basics of ozone therapy for animals.
First, I want you to know that ozone therapy can benefit your precious pet, who I know is a member of your family just as mine is.
Second, I want you to know that ozone therapy does not have to be complicated or confusing.
Third, I want you to know that, just because the word “ozone” is present, doesn’t mean that ozone therapy is risky or harmful because it’s not!! Ozone therapy is VERY safe.
Fourth, I want you to know that there are a BUNCH of ways that you and/or your vet can administer ozone therapy to your beloved pet for infections, Lyme’s Disease, cancer and more.
Fifth, I want you to know that, in some cases, you can administer ozone therapy at home; that’s right, AT HOME!


Dr. Arthur Guyton who wrote the textbook on medical physiology said, “All chronic pain, suffering and diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at the cell level.”
Oxygen is the single most important nutrient. In fact, I can prove it. Just try to hold your breath for 5 minutes!
We have been programmed to need oxygen. Every minute of every day, our body is utilizing oxygen in an unknown number of ways to create energy and keep us alive.
Taking a dive into the ocean or traveling into outer space would teach us all that to do so without oxygen would be fatal.



Before we go there, you should know that ozone is a colorless gas composed of three oxygen atoms. It has a unique odor that some people love and others can’t stand!

Before we go there, you should know that ozone is a colorless gas composed of three oxygen atoms. It has a unique odor that some people love and others can’t stand!
So here’s a definition:
“Ozone therapy is a medical treatment that uses activated oxygen (ozone or O3) to treat many chronic and acute diseases. It is a biological response modifier that increases oxygen utilization, optimizes mitochondrial function and improves cellular health. It can be applied topically, infused into the blood and tissue through various means or introduced into a fluid or oil which acts as a carrier.” – Jonathan Lowe
There are a number of studies that show how ozone therapy works and provide us with a framework for how we can understand it.


Ozone therapy is all about oxygen and the ability that animals’ bodies have to distribute and utilize oxygen to keep their cells working properly. If your pet’s cells aren’t working correctly, he/she is way more susceptible to disease, viruses, infections and many other not-so-desirable things.
You may have experienced or noticed that, as your pet grows older, you are taking more trips to the vet than in the years before, and you’ve probably also noticed that the amount of money you are spending on your pet’s care is drastically increasing.
Animals’ bodies are just like humans in that they wear down as they get older. Before you know it, your pet is suffering from joint pain, fatigue, allergies and lethargy and seems to be sick more often. That’s because, as animals get older or disease takes over their bodies, the ability for them to utilize oxygen properly decreases, and it becomes more difficult for them to heal or fight off illnesses like they could when they were younger.
Click here to find out what the IVC Journal says about how oxygen utilization and ozone therapy can help your beloved pet.
The IVC Journal is just ONE of so many sources that has published information about the benefits of ozone therapy. For example, well-renowned veterinarians, Dr. Gerry Buchoff of Holistic Pet Care in New Jersey and Dr. Judith Shoemaker of Always Helpful Veterinary Services in Pennsylvania wrote an article about ozone therapy. The articles stresses that ozone therapy is an extremely safe medical therapy for pets. The article also states that ozone therapy helps to maintain a pet’s normal body temperature and increases the effects of most hormones, vitamins, herbs, homeopathics and drugs.
If that doesn’t convince you, listen to what SEVEN different veterinarians have to say about ozone therapy.
Really?? Still not convinced, and you would rather know what other parents like yourselves have experienced by using ozone therapy on their pets?
I get it. As Cedric’s mom, I would want to know more about ozone therapy, and I, too, would want to be confident in knowing that I was looking into something that would enhance Cedric’s life and maybe even extend it.
Following are the exact words from other moms and dads like you who have discovered that ozone therapy is not just an option, but a necessity, when it comes to helping their pets.
“I really feel strongly that the ozone is what’s going to give her (my dog Pixie) a longer life and let us enjoy and love her longer. I really think that without it her deterioration would advance and escalate quickly, and we wouldn’t have her for very long. The thing that’s so nice about it is that it’s easy to use…it’s easy on the animal as well. When you have a tool like this that can help them, there’s no words to describe the joy that you get. It’s so hard when they look to you for help and there’s nothing you can do, but now we can give her the best that we can give her for as long as we can possibly give it. We seem to find new uses for this thing weekly because we have a lot of animals. There are no bad side effects, no real risk. I think the ozone gives you an opportunity to enhance your pet’s health and prevent bad things from happening….it just keeps giving you hope.” – Darcy Buller
 “Ozone therapy was one of the recommended treatments and so we started using it with Baja and noticed a difference almost right away. I think it’s been a major contributor to having him around a year longer.” – Jeff Sharp
 “I have been administering ozone with your system for 6 months now 3x a week. Bella was diagnosed with hemangioma sarcoma 7 months ago and seems to be doing very well…. as I said ozone has been a miracle for Bella.” - Kris Ilkov
“This is a comprehensive, gentle way to support his (Cello’s) immune system, and that’s everything to me because I just want him to be healthy.” – Melissa Nichol


Can you say “OPTIONS”!
There are at least 14 (FOURTEEN!!) ways that ozone therapy can be administered to your pet, but don’t let that scare you off. If you choose to do ozone therapy at home under the supervision of your veterinarian, the first method listed below is probably the one you will use.
Here are some of the more commonly-used ozone therapy treatment methods.
RECTAL INSUFFLATIONis the infusion of ozone gas into your pet’s colon via a catheter.
Now, come on, it’s not that bad!! In fact, LOTS of pet parents just like you do this ozone therapy treatment method at home because it’s so simple, fast and effective!
Rectal insufflation is actually one, if not THE, best overall ozone therapy method to treat your pet with.
I will admit, the first time I treated Cedric with rectal ozone therapy, it took me a little while because I didn’t want to mess anything up. But, when the second rectal ozone therapy treatment rolled around, it took at least half the time. And, by the third time Cedric received his ozone therapy treatment, I considered myself quite the expert! It REALLY is quick and easy.
LIMB BAGGING is an external ozone therapy treatment for wounds, skin infections, skin lesions, burns, bites, cuts, etc. It involves running ozone into an ozone bag and then placing that bag around the part of your pet’s body where the wound is.
Some people bubble ozone through oil using an oil bubbler to perform limb bagging treatments.
Ozone therapy by means of limb bagging can easily be done at home.
SUBCUTANEOUS (SUB-Q) SALINE is an ozone therapy administration method where normal saline infused with ozone is injected between the layer of skin and tissue on an animal. Sub-Q saline can also be injected AROUND tumors and into Acupuncture points.
This method is typically done at a veterinary clinic and should not be attempted without the oversight of a veterinarian.
MAJOR AUTOHEMOTHERAPY (MAHT) is an ozone therapy method where a small amount of blood is taken from a pet’s vein. That blood is then mixed with ozone and put back into the vein.
MAHT is used for a wide range of medical conditions and can also be used as an additional therapy to other cancer treatments.
This ozone therapy treatment method is usually done by a veterinarian.
OZONATED FLUIDS (other than Sub-Q) are a FANTASTIC way to administer ozone therapy to your pet because ozonated fluid works as a disinfectant and also delivers oxygen to the affected area.
The fluids that can be ozonated include normal saline and distilled water.
And, BONUS, distilled water can also be ozonated and drunk.
You need a fluid bubbler just like this one OR this one to ozonate fluids.
With the right equipment and a little know-how, ozonating fluids can be done safely at home.
O3UV (Ozone and Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation) is a very powerful ozone therapy treatment method. It involves drawing blood from your pet’s vein, mixing that blood with ozone and channeling that mixture past UV light. Once that is done, the healthy blood gets put back into the vein.
The Animal Healing Center in San Diego says that O3UV is a superior treatment for Lyme’s Disease, infections and autoimmune diseases. It is also a phenomenal complementary treatment if your pet has cancer.
Veterinarians are typically the ones who provide 03UV treatments.
EAR INSUFFLATIONtreats ear infections, allergies, sinuses, etc., by directly flowing ozone in the ear canals using an ear applicator.
If you desire, oil can be bubbled in an oil bubbler like this one to perform this ozone therapy treatment. Bubbling ozone through oil makes it safe to inhale.
Your pet’s ears can be irrigated using ozonated water as well!
Ear insufflation can easily be done in the comfort of your pet’s home.
OZONATED OILS AND CREAMS are used for skin rashes, wounds, burns, skin diseases, etc. The ozone products are applied topically.
O3Vets actually carries ozonated rectal suppositories so that you can give ozone to your pet quickly and easily.
Then, there’s another product that works great for wounds, sores or any other injury relating to the mouth. It’s called Hydrogel 15%, and it’s awesome!

If you want to find a veterinarian who does ozone therapy, just visit our practitioner map.


 Ozone therapy doesn’t require any complicated equipment. All you really need are these four items: Those items are the backbone of equipment for ozone therapy. From there, you will need the right accessories so that you can administer ozone therapy to your pet. Those accessories will depend on which method(s) of ozone therapy your pet will be receiving.
And, it just so happens that I know exactly where you can get all the accessories you will ever need to perform ozone therapy! That would be right here at this link.


I’ll hand it to you! You certainly are thorough in gathering information before trying something that is foreign to you—possibly something you’ve never even heard of, and I hope you agree that ozone therapy is one of the greatest treatments ever known to man (or beast.)
Consider this your formal invitation to explore the extraordinary world of ozone therapy so that, you too, can experience how ozone therapy can improve the life of your pet like it has so many other pets.
If you have any questions, we would love to hear from you. Please call O3Vets at 517-925-8148.

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